Professional Home Organizing Services

Home visits to clear clutter, get organized, beautify, and reclaim your space. Your home should be your sanctuary!

Declutter with Devon, Devon Fegen-Herdman

Claim your free consult today!

Clear Clutter, Get Organized, and Reclaim your Space

Messy playroom
Tidy playroom

You deserve to feel peace when you walk in the door. Go from chaos to calm through decluttering, minimizing, and simplifying. No project is too big or too small. If you need help getting out from the overwhelm, call today!

Wouldn’t it be better to walk in your home and smile? Get rid of feelings of shame and embarrassment. Have family and friends over again with confidence!

Services include assistance with decision-making, emotional support, clutter removal, organizing, and maintenance planning in a caring and nonjudgemental atmosphere.

Tidy basement

Consistent 5-star Ratings

Why hire a professional organizer?

Clutter is overwhelming

  • You don’t know where to start

  • Get it done in half the time…or less!

  • An accountability partner

  • A built in cheerleader

  • Decision fatigue is real

  • One word: procrastination

  • You’ll learn and grow with a clutter coach

  • Someone who has done it before and knows what to do

  • You just can’t seem to get started

  • Get back on track

  • Overcome feelings of embarrassment

  • Feel comfortable in your own (clutter free) home again

  • Have friends and family over without fear

  • Your season of life has changed and your stuff needs to change with it: downsizing, empty nest, young children, divorce, merging households…

  • Medical or physical challenges, low energy

  • You’re too busy to declutter…you needed that clutter gone yesterday!

Professional Organizing FAQs

Do I need to clean up before you come?

No! Feeling overwhelmed and like things are out of control is exactly the reason to hire a professional organizer. We have seen it all and will help you in a caring and nonjudgmental atmosphere. Don’t make yourself wait for all the benefits professional home organizing services can bring you!

What do services include?

All services include a short consultation and active decluttering assistance. They also include removal of 1 carload of items for donation. This does not include extra large items or furniture. Advice can be provided on how to easily get these items out of your home.

What if we don’t finish the project during our scheduled time?

Initial appointments are 2 hour kickstart decluttering sessions. We will be able to make a lot of progress in that time, however we may not finish depending on the scope of the project. You have several options. If we are near completion and schedules allow, we can simply continue decluttering and add on time at the hourly rate. Another option is to end the session with specific tasks to complete on your own. Getting started together may be the momentum you need. A third option is to schedule another appointment for the future.

Do I have to buy organizing bins or containers?

The answer is no. Some people view Pinterest or The Container Store and think they need to run out and buy cute matching bins, baskets and storage containers. The key to organizing is letting go of items first. Most homes with clutter already have plenty of bins, baskets and boxes around that can be used to organize your things and see what system will work for you. After decluttering, if you would like to purchase matching containers and would like assistance doing so, I am happy to help.

I can purchase desired items and bring them to the next appointment. The cost of organizing bins would be an additional charge beyond the hourly rate for services, they are provided at cost with no extra fees attached.

What do you bring with you?

I always bring lots of garbage bags to help remove clutter, donations, and trash. I bring boxes when I am able and we can use empty boxes that you may have on hand. I also bring a label maker, ziploc bags for organizing, cleaning wipes, and a tape measure.

Do I have to work alongside you?

Decluttering usually works best if we work together. Two heads and four hands make the work go more quickly. Most times you need to make decisions about what to keep and what to let go of. The best organization systems are tailored to your individual needs: how you use the items and the space. Participating will also build your decluttering “muscles” to continue to tackle clutter on your own and maintain your new clutter free space.

Clients may choose to sit in a chair nearby and make decisions while I handle all of the physical aspects of decluttering and organizing.

If you have an area that is full of clutter and decisions have already been made, I can work alone to make your space peaceful and relaxing once again.

What types of payment do you accept?

Payment is due at the time of services. I accept cash, check, online payments through Zelle, Venmo for business, or credit card payments.

Hire Devon, a professional organizer, today to help you declutter one room or your entire home.

You deserve to love the place you live.

Claim your free consult today!

Millions of Americans have messy homes.

Our consumer culture and million dollar marketing campaigns tell us to buy, buy, buy without a thought to the state of our living spaces or finding the time and energy to care for and maintain those items.

You are not alone.

Sometimes clutter has developed over many years, other times it may be the result of a large influx of items such as from a holiday or birthday, plus a busy lifestyle. No matter the reason,

I am here to help you with your clutter.

Together we will take control of the chaos and find a home organization system that works for you.

I’d love to hear from you.

Declutter with Devon founder Devon Fegen-Herdman
Gold paint swatch with the words "Declutter with Devon LLC"" written over it